Evaluate this composition. Disregard the language. Evaluate its content and argumentation, and give a score (total score:10).
总评分: 8.5/10
For the first composition, the author uses the metaphor of a horse to discuss the search for intelligent individuals. They argue that it is not just about finding individuals with intelligence but recognizing people who can recognize intelligence themselves. The author suggests that true recognition of intelligence is not easy, and one must use intuition as well as objective judgment to recognize the genuine thing. Overall, the composition sheds light on the difficulty of recognizing intelligence.
Score: 8/10. The argument is coherent and engaging, but the content may benefit from further elaboration.
In the second composition, the author discusses the cultivation of intelligence in individuals. They argue that being strict is necessary, but not enough, to cultivate intelligence. The author posits that intelligence is derived primarily from natural ability and good education. They emphasize the importance of good teachers and strict discipline when cultivating intelligence and warn against lack of focus and favoritism by teachers. The author also emphasizes the importance of good character and teachers as role models.
Score: 9/10. The author has a clear argument and provides thoughtful insights into the cultivation of intelligence. However, certain points could benefit from more clarification. Overall, the composition is well-written and thought-provoking.
【 在 keyi2013 的大作中提到: 】
: 这篇是最近写的《智者论》,小学三年级。今年背完了《老子》5000字,背了二三十篇古文,对比一年半前写的感觉文笔用词行文略有长进。输入输出转化比挺高。
: 篇一是等看电影的时候,写了半个小时写完的,很顺畅。
: 似乎总共就写了这么三五篇吧。
: ...................
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