认知能力和语言能力相匹配才有乐子,不然就会觉得很无聊,学习过程中就要一直跟无聊做斗争 【 在 smallpapaya 的大作中提到: 】 : https://static.mysmth.net/nForum/att/ChildEducation/2286953/824/large "单击此查看原图"](https://static.mysmth.net/nForum/att/ChildEducation/2286953/824) : : “In general, the younger he is when both languages are introduced, the more proficiently he'll learn them; by contrast, he may have a little more difficulty learning the second language if he is introduced to it during the PRESCHOOL YEARS only after learning and speaking the first language exclusively." : : 所以呢,幼儿园都晚了。到小学再开始指望一周三四节英文课那不可能的。 : -- -- FROM 39.144.87.*