【 在 smallpapaya 的大作中提到: 】
: 给你个chatGPT的回答:
: Critical thinking is the process of analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting information in order to form a well-reasoned judgment or decision. It involves questioning assumptions, considering different perspectives, and applying logic and reasoning to reach a conclusion. Critical thinking is an important skill for problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication.
: 当然你要是想要更详细的答案也有。简单说,就是一些能力,基于事实判断评估真伪,合乎常识和逻辑的推理找到解决方案,对知识和信息有好奇心,能问有价值的问题这些,并不是要批判谁。这些能力当然有培养方法和手段。所以前面有些回答就很可笑,什么信不信啊之类。
FROM 120.244.162.*