【 在 smallpapaya 的大作中提到: 】
【 在 lixianghui 的大作中提到: 】
: 一听就是电话诈骗
: 田中耕一
: ...................
" In September 1987, the Second Japan-China Joint Symposium on Mass Spectrometry was held in Takarazuka, Japan, and it was there that we announced our results in English for the first time (at that time we could measure mass numbers in the range of 72,000). There is a double significance here, in that not only were the research results written in English, I actually presented the results in English for the first time. Although my English was far from good, my meaning was well enough understood by Professor Cotter for him to make the results known around the world."
FROM 211.143.51.*