【 在 lixianghui 的大作中提到: 】
: 求中文版
没。这本书算是比较严肃的学术教材,讲到的各种语言学习现象能到四五年级。 关于语法那个,我给你摘一段,你就明白为啥对于所谓原版娃这个简单, 这些语法在大脑里是无负担自动处理的,学习语法是印证大脑已经有的东西。
Metalinguistic abilities enable a language user to think about language independently of
comprehension and production abilities. As such, a child focuses on and reflects on language as a decontextualized object. It is these “linguistic intuitions” that let us make decisions about the grammatical acceptability of an utterance. Thus, a child treats language as an object of analysis and observation, using language to describe language.
This metalinguistic ability develops only gradually throughout the school years. In adults, comprehension and production are almost automatic, and processing occurs at the rate of communication. There is no inordinate burden. Even children’s comprehension
strategies seem to be unconscious. Controlled, conscious processes tend to be minimal, because comprehension includes the total linguistic and nonlinguistic contexts.
Although metalinguistic abilities appear in the preschool years, full awareness is not
found until age 7 to 8 years.
FROM 52.131.113.*