In 2012, at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, President Obama told an arena of cheering college students that he’d only paid off his student loans a few years before running for president.
"Check this out, all right,” he said to the crowd. “I'm the president of the United States. We only finished paying off our student loans about eight years ago. That wasn't that long ago. And that wasn't easy--especially because when we had Malia and Sasha, we're supposed to be saving up for their college educations, and we're still paying off our college educations.”
When the Obamas married, their combined student loan debt was $120,000. Both had taken out around $40,000 to pay for law school, and both had undergraduate loans as well. Obama said that in the first eight years of their marriage, they paid more on their student loans than they did on the mortgage for their condo. Sounds like they were really focused on paying those loans off.
【 在 maple0 的大作中提到: 】
: 查了一下,奥巴马有80w美金的学贷~~~~
: 这500多万放国内,干啥都够了
FROM 114.246.206.*