【 在 smallpapaya 的大作中提到: 】
: 有时候没事和孩子会用英文简单说两句,发现三岁多小孩说话太好玩了。
: 孩子在家里沙发上蹦来蹦去,烦不胜烦。就数落孩子,“Only frogs and toads jump around like this. Are you a frog or a toad?” 孩子认真想了想,“I am a toad”. 我说,“But toads have 4 legs. Are you sure you’re a toad?” 孩子,“Yes, I am a two-leg toad。” 接着蹦$&@EUR??
: 孩子看了本巧克力的故事,把世界都想象成巧克力做的。在家里用积木敲地板,我提醒他“Stop doing that. Our neighbors will complain.” 孩子恶狠狠回答“I will eat them。” 我吓一跳,问他“ huh, Can you do that, eat your neighbors?” 孩子回答 “Yeah, they’re made of chocolate. Yummy!”
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