Section 11B (2)(iii). Any person 16 years of age or younger operating a bicycle or being carried as a passenger on a bicycle on a public way, bicycle path or on any other public right-of-way shall wear a helmet.
Section 11B1/2. Any person 16 years of age or younger operating in line skates, a skate board, a scooter or other manually-propelled wheeled vehicle or riding as a passenger on any such manually-propelled vehicle on a public way, bicycle path or on any other public right-of-way shall wear a helmet.
【 在 tommywen (tommy) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你不觉得现在的家长养孩子过于精细了吗?一点风险都不敢承担。全部养成温室里的花朵。就像现在疫情都过去一年了还有很多家长给孩子捂着口罩。医生都说了戴口罩对孩子健康不利。我觉得所谓高知读书读成死板教条了,不懂变通
FROM 221.223.96.*