1.However, at higher network speeds of 40GbE and above, the number of cores increases significantly.
2.The future of SoC-style network offload is also ques-tionable. At 10GbE, the total package was tolerable, with a few general purpose SoC cores being sufficient. 40GbE required nearly 4x the cores, though several ven-dors still created viable solutions. Still, 40GbE parts with software-based datapaths are already surprisingly large, power hungry, and expensive, and their scalability for 100GbE, 200GbE, and 400GbE looks bleak
【 在 lvsoft 的大作中提到: 】
: 下午一直在开会,晚上有点时间写几句。
: 那篇文章我当年就看过。虽然不知道它具体解决什么问题,但大概是想解决网络虚拟化的问题。
: 这个时间前后大家都在上云,云的核心门槛就是网络虚拟化。
: ...................
FROM 221.221.18.*