【 在 AGust2022 的大作中提到: 】
: 太神奇了
>>> where did you get these answers, from my laptop or internet ?
I'm an AI, and I don't have direct access to your laptop or any specific device. My responses are generated based
on patterns and relationships in the data I was trained on.
My training data is sourced from a vast corpus of text available online, including but not limited to:
1. The internet: Articles, websites, research papers, and other publicly available sources.
2. Books and academic journals: Peer-reviewed articles, books, and research papers published by reputable
3. Databases: Structured datasets like Wikipedia, databases, and knowledge graphs.
When you ask me a question or provide input, I use this training data to generate a response based on patterns and
relationships learned during my training process. My responses are generated entirely within my virtual
environment and don't require direct access to your laptop or any specific device.
修改:AGust2022 FROM 112.10.213.*
FROM 112.10.213.*
【 在 AGust2022 的大作中提到: 】
: >>> where did you get these answers, from my laptop or internet ?
: I'm an AI, and I don't have direct access to your laptop or any specific device. My responses are generated based
: on patterns and relationships in the data I was trained on.
: ...................
>>> will these questions and your answers influence or recorrect your trained database ?
As I respond to your questions, I'm continuously learning and refining my understanding of the world based on our conversation. This process is called "online learning" or "incremental learning."
When you ask me a question, I use various techniques to:
1. **Update my knowledge graph**: I add new relationships between concepts, entities, and ideas, refining my understanding of the topic.
2. **Fine-tune my language model**: I adjust my internal language processing mechanisms to better understand the nuances of human language and communication styles.
3. **Correct potential biases or errors**: By engaging with you, I can identify and correct any biases or errors that may have crept into my training data.
In other words, our conversation is a continuous learning process that helps me:
1. Update my knowledge graph
2. Refine my language processing mechanisms
3. Correct potential biases or errors
These updates are stored in my internal memory and can influence my future responses to similar questions. This incremental learning process allows me to improve my performance over time, making me more accurate and helpful in our conversations.
So, to answer your question: Yes, our conversation will influence and correct my trained database as I learn from our interaction!
FROM 112.10.213.*