The high CPU usage stemmed from the fact that in the application each channel opened its serial port at the start of the session and kept it open for the duration of the application session. This was fine with ports based on the Moxa ethernet-to-COM Port adapters, or with "local" ports, but in USB ports, just having the port open causes DPC CPU usage. Having 16 USB ports open makes the PC unusable, despite there being no traffic on any port.
I changed the app so that the ports are opened whenever they are required (which is only for a few seconds every minute or so) and closed immediately afterwards.
【 在 feiy 的大作中提到: 】
: 测试发现,CH340的驱动,似乎很消耗CPU资源。
: 测试方法:插上基于CH340的USB串口,通信时会发现,CPU占用率明显会比较高,多插几
: 个基于CH340的USB串口一起访问时,会看到CPU的温度会因为CPU的消耗迅速上升。
: ...................
修改:rexxie FROM 222.65.170.*
FROM 222.65.170.*