In 1985, Altium (then known as Protel Systems) developed the DOS-based PCB design tool Protel PCB,[1] which was sold only in Australia.[2][3] Protel PCB was marketed internationally by HST Technology since 1986.[3] In October 1986 the San Diego-based ACCEL Technologies, Inc. acquired marketing and support responsibilities of the PCB program for the USA, Canada and Mexico under the name Tango PCB.[3] combining it with their own Tango Route. In 1987, Protel launched the circuit diagram editor Protel Schematic for DOS.
In 1988 the company launched Autotrax for DOS in the USA as well.[1] A stripped-down version of Autotrax was marketed as Easytrax. Autotrax was sold throughout the world until the company ported the application to Windows 3.1 to create the first Windows-based PCB CAD tool, Protel Advanced Schematic/PCB 1.0 for Windows in 1991, which was the forerunner to the software Altium Designer.
【 在 hawkdtw (鹰) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 请推荐个画pcb电路图的软件
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Dec 15 06:37:58 2021), 站内
: 25年前叫tango,protel名字刚刚出现
: 【 在 wuduan 的大作中提到: 】
: : 我对电路完全不懂。刚开始学习。
: : 买电子元件是不是一般立创就够了。
: : 如果电子元件基本在立创购买,那么画pcb是不是就用立创eda最好?
: : ...................
: --
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