- 主题:咖啡和嘌呤
【 在 iamgj 的大作中提到: 】
: 实锤了,通风患者是不能喝咖啡的,喝咖啡会导致尿酸飙升
: 不过,每天吃非布司他可以少量喝点
: ...................
FROM 117.148.128.*
【 在 iamgj 的大作中提到: 】
: 你看到的没用,你自己得一下就知道了
FROM 117.148.128.*
Most scientific research studies suggest that coffee can play a role in lowering your risk of gout. CoffeeTrusted Source contains a wide variety of beneficial compounds, including minerals, polyphenols, and caffeine. See more about the health benefits of coffee.
Coffee is thought to reduce gout risk by lowering uric acid levels through several mechanisms. Coffee may lower uric acid levels by increasing the rate that your body excretes uric acid. Coffee is also thought to compete with the enzyme that breaks down purines in the body. This can lower the rate at which uric acid is created.
【 在 iamgj 的大作中提到: 】
: 一杯太少了
: 你饮食习惯和体重变化过吗?
FROM 117.148.128.*
A 2007 study investigated the potential link between coffee intake and gout risk among nearly 46,000 men. The authors found that men who drank four to five cups of coffee a day had a 40 percent lower relative risk of gout compared to men who weren’t coffee drinkers. Decaf coffee also modestly lowered gout risk, but tea didn’t have any effect, suggesting that something other than caffeine is responsible for the effect on gout.
【 在 iamgj 的大作中提到: 】
: 一杯太少了
: 你饮食习惯和体重变化过吗?
FROM 117.148.128.*