Electronic Sensors: Some modern espresso machines use electronic sensors like capacitive sensors or ultrasonic sensors to measure water levels. These sensors use changes in electrical capacitance or sound waves to determine the water level, and they are often more precise than float switches. They do not have moving parts, which can make them more reliable over time.
Our experts overwhelmingly agree that copper should not be used in this application. Copper can easily leech into the RO water, diminishing its purity. Brass isn’t as easily corroded as copper by RO water, but it still should be avoided for this application.
【 在 FLYBBS 的大作中提到: 】
: 水位计用磁力浮子或者压力吧。
: 不过的确很多咖啡机没有水位报警。
: TDS过低也不是完全没有。也不能说不结垢就是腐蚀吧。。。
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