- 主题:多亏了amd的paper launch
Mercury Research has published its latest CPU market share results for the fourth quarter of 2020 that show both Intel and AMD making some great strides. As per the data shared by the research firm, AMD managed to sell almost a million of its brand new Ryzen 5000 Desktop CPUs in Q4 while Intel gained market share over AMD for the first time in three years since the release of the Ryzen CPU family.
- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,3」
FROM 24.35.90.*
【 在 shallpi0n (紫竹) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 多亏了amd的paper launch
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Feb 4 13:05:54 2021), 站内
: intel市场份额不降反涨
: Mercury Research has published its latest CPU market share results for the fourth quarter of 2020 that show both Intel and AMD making some great strides. As per the data shared by the research firm, AMD managed to sell almost a million of its brand new Ryzen 5000 Desktop CPUs in Q4 while Intel gained market share over AMD for the first time in three years since the release of the Ryzen CPU family.
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,3」
: --
: ※ 来源:·最水木 客户端·[FROM: 24.35.90.*]
FROM 120.244.112.*
ps: intel不是刚刚paper launch了吗,这才是纯paper,哪有AMD这种缺货但是海鲜市场上仍然能看到的伪paper能比的?
【 在 shallpi0n 的大作中提到: 】
: intel市场份额不降反涨
: Mercury Research has published its latest CPU market share results for the fourth quarter of 2020 that show both Intel and AMD making some great strides. As per the data shared by the research firm, AMD managed to sell almost a million of its brand new Ryzen 5000 Desktop CPUs in Q4 while Intel gained market share over AMD for the first time in three years since the release of the Ryzen CPU family.
: - 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,3」
修改:tedxyz FROM 116.233.216.*
FROM 116.233.216.*
【 在 tedxyz (ted's sweatcoat) 的大作中提到: 】
: 苹果和高通立功了,抢了台积电的产能
: ps: intel不是刚刚paper launch了吗,这才是纯paper,哪有AMD这种缺货但是海鲜市场上仍然能看到的伪paper能比的?
修改:oldwatch FROM 114.92.202.*
FROM 114.92.202.*
【 在 oldwatch (一条叫java的鱼◎城内风光独好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 吹了一年代工模式相对自有工厂的优势
: 然后就发现抢不到产能了
: ”你有货倒是拿出来卖啊“
: ...................
FROM 221.178.135.*
xsx ps5 都是zen2的cpu,是不是也靠台积电生产啊,怪不得也缺货涨价呢
【 在 tedxyz 的大作中提到: 】
: 苹果和高通立功了,抢了台积电的产能
: ps: intel不是刚刚paper launch了吗,这才是纯paper,哪有AMD这种缺货但是海鲜市场上仍然能看到的伪paper能比的?
FROM 106.120.122.*
其实 zen+ 改改用 12nm 生产,频率尽量提升到 4.5g 也可以覆盖千元以下的市场,但农企估计没那个能力开两条设计线。
【 在 strrrr (CYRIX 6X86MX-PR200) 的大作中提到: 】
: xsx ps5 都是zen2的cpu,是不是也靠台积电生产啊,怪不得也缺货涨价呢
FROM 110.81.14.*
amd提价了 虽然损失了一小部分市场
【 在 shallpi0n 的大作中提到: 】
: intel市场份额不降反涨
: Mercury Research has published its latest CPU market share results for the fourth quarter of 2020 that show both Intel and AMD making some great strides. As per the data shared by the research firm, AMD managed to sell almost a million of its brand new Ryzen 5000 Desktop CPUs in Q4 while Intel gained market share over AMD for the first time in three years since the release of the Ryzen CPU family.
: ....................
FROM 175.171.76.*
【 在 mindcontrol (mindcontrol) 的大作中提到: 】
: amd提价了 虽然损失了一小部分市场
: 但是赚的更多吧
FROM 114.92.202.*
【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的。都是台积电。所以农企现在跟上次一样,还得败在没有产能上面。
: 其实 zen+ 改改用 12nm 生产,频率尽量提升到 4.5g 也可以覆盖千元以下的市场,但农企估计没那个能力开两条设计线。
FROM 101.84.143.*