【 在 cokebear 的大作中提到: 】
: 没看懂么,mce打开,相当于主板超频了,很多直播主不自知
: 如果你要说11代又热又功耗大,起码是10代和11代都打开mce的情况下比较,而且由于mce超频每个厂家和每个型号主板设置的都不一样,根本就不是一个公平的对比
: As an example, if we were to forget to disable MCE or forget to double-check Intel’s recommended limits, we could conclude that the stock 10900K is much hotter, much more power-hungry, and much higher-performance than it really is, which is why we’re careful to adhere to the actually advertised specifications for the review.
: ...................
然后I5 跑标称的2.9G,哈哈哈哈哈
FROM 183.23.74.*