- 主题:万CM,开机总看到一个RUNONCE
开机前几秒总有一个runonce的进程出现,还没截图看清runonce后面跟的哪个程序又消失了,是中毒了还是win10 ltsc 2019都这样,想查看win10中的所有runonce项有什么工具
修改:myspam FROM 111.192.185.*
FROM 111.192.185.*
The genuine runonce.exe file is a software component of Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation.
"Runonce.exe" is a Microsoft Windows Operating System component program, called the "Run Once Wrapper Utility," that should not be removed. It should reside in "C:\Windows\System32".
【 在 myspam (mys/梅艳珊/珊珊/Pam/帕姆) 的大作中提到: 】
: 开机前几秒总有一个runonce的进程出现,还没截图看清又消失了,是中毒了还是win10 ltsc 2019都这样,刚从装的系统
FROM 73.63.245.*
【 在 Avocado 的大作中提到: 】
: The genuine runonce.exe file is a software component of Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation.
: "Runonce.exe" is a Microsoft Windows Operating System component program, called the "Run Once Wrapper Utility," that should not be removed. It should reside in "C:\Windows\System32".
: ...................
FROM 111.192.185.*