Stock settings – Intel? Limits enforced Where you just see the processor model number in the graphs it means that we enforced the specification and ran the CPUs with their power limits per the Intel? spec and didn’t apply any ASUS optimisations or overclocks. This should be the worst-case scenario for the CPU as there aren’t any enhancements in place by the motherboard manufacturer.
MultiCore Enhancement (MCE)
Technically this is overclocking. The ASUS optimised defaults can make a difference to how the CPU behaves thermally and deliver improved (optimised) performance. To be clear, this is not the AI Optimised Overclocking function that ASUS has on the MAXIMUS XII. Enabling the MCE will disable the power limits and will result in higher load temperatures. Although this is the configuration I would run personally, it’s potentially unfair on Intel when looking at power draw and thermal performance
【 在 Knightmare (梦醒时分) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我也分不清你是傻是坏了
: 限制功耗成65w或者125w然后说功耗不大这种事,还用得着你说么?还用得着测试吗?
FROM 61.173.22.*