1. Combining Displays With the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
Intel HD Graphics Control Panel
This option is for computers powered by an Intel processor with integrated graphics. If you have one, you can use the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel to combine your monitors.
Access the control panel by right-clicking on your desktop and then choosing Graphics properties. When the control panel opens up, select Display, then Multiple Displays.
Under Select Display Mode, click on Collage. Under the submenu that will appear, choose Enable. Once done, numbers should appear on your screen. They are there to help you arrange your displays on the app.
【 在 finalsmile 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是扩展,
: 扩展的话, 主屏的程序最大化,只占据主屏
: 是拼接成一个屏幕, 任何程序最大化,占据两个屏幕
: ...................
FROM 73.63.245.*