4. Mac standby mode
This mode was mainly designed to save battery charge (even though desktop computers also have this mode). Entering standby mode means that the current session is recorded to flash storage (SSD).
Standby is the next stage that comes after a certain time of simple sleep. Apple computers released in 2013 or later go into standby mode after about three hours of sleep, while older Macs enter standby after about an hour of sleep.
What’s fascinating about this mode is that without being plugged in, a MacBook with a fully charged battery can remain in standby mode for up to 30 days.
【 在 tsa300 (Tele-Superachromat T*) 的大作中提到: 】
: macos 的 hibernatemode 25 只能 pmset 命令行执行,命令行之外的任何形式都不工作,绝大多数用户到死都不知道有这玩意儿更不用说去用。
: windows hibernate是电源菜单里的命令,可以选择用笔记本合上盖子或按电源键或者指定热键 what ever 任何你愿意的方式触发。这才叫支持。
FROM 113.235.221.*