Step 6: Exsanguinate (bleed the animal).
After the animal is stunned, the front and back legs will likely begin to kick rapidly. This is normal. It is caused by the disruption to the nervous system caused by the stun, not a sign of consciousness. It is important to be careful when exsanguinating because these movements after stunning can be unpredictable. Always be aware of where your knife is. Roll the animal over so you have access to its underside. Use your fingers to find the sternum bone between the front legs where the ribs meet. Trace the sternum towards the head to find the end of the sternum. Insert your knife behind the sternum with the tip of your knife pointed towards the tail and the sharp side of the blade towards the backbone of the animal. The knife should be parallel to the sternum but behind it. Once the knife is fully inserted so the handle is up to the skin, flick your wrist so the blade is at about a 45-degree angle from where it started and draw the knife back out. If done correctly, blood should exit the body rapidly, if it does not, reinsert the knife and repeat the motion. This motion severs the carotid artery and the animal will bleed out quickly.
这个链接也有杀猪的视频教程,第一步就是kill and bleed(放血)
【 在 A1551067 的大作中提到: 】
: 1,杀猪不放血的肉会很容易腐败,所以不可能不放血。
: 2. 另一个说法外国猪肉臭是因为不阉割,养过猪的就会知道不阉割的公猪有多难养,不老实呆着,不好好吃食,所以不可能不阉割。
: 很多人不知道是出于显示自己优越感还是无知,还是煽动民族主义的培训话术一说进口肉就说臭,这种论调和高职论坛太不符合了。
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