Thank you very much for your email.
As explained by Jonathan in his previous email, it is normal to see both HKD
and DCC on your credit card slip. It is because all our credit card machines
have both HK dollar and DCC function. Therefore, when we charged a credit
card, it gives options to cardholder to choose either one currency. For
guest who chose HK dollar, the machine will automatic generate another
credit card slip which only shows HK dollar. You can find it attached in
Jonathan's previous email as well.
Please note that your credit card slip shows both currency doesn't mean we
have charged in DCC already. The currency type is confirmed only after we
choose the preferred one. In your case, we chose HK dollar for you as
instructed upon check out.
【 在 Firenze (王富亮) 的大作中提到: 】
: 对,我觉得就应该以中行的短信通知为准,至于商家怎么说那都是说辞,说不定虽然
FROM 125.33.72.*