这个是 pocket8086 特有的,还是古代 8086 就有的特性?
这怎么能算 UMB 呢?UMB 应该是 FFFF:0000 - FFFF:FFFF 才对啊。而且我记得这一段内存到了 286 才能被访问到。
原版 IBM PC 里面,D0000-EFFFF 这一段没有被使用吗?
【 在 BigCarrot 的大作中提到: 】
: - Upper Memory Blocks
: Pocket8086 installs 128KB of memory in the D0000-EFFFF address segment and uses bit2 of IO port 060H as its switch flag. When it is written to 0, UMB is turned on (default). When it is written to 1, the UMB is turned off.
修改:hgoldfish FROM 110.84.122.*
FROM 110.84.122.*