我买的2011年造的房子,结果发现前房东布的是超5类线,但是面板接上去只能跑百兆,我花了300人民币,买了16个6类网线模块,卡线钳和6类水晶头,20米长度的6类网线,把所有房间网络面板的模块按照T568B全部重做了,又做了几根6类网线,现在轻松跑千兆,2.5G还没测试,因为没有2.5G网卡,但我觉得我的5类线或者超五类线跑2.5G应该问题不大,现在家庭网络的瓶颈一般不在有线网吧,在于手机和电脑等终端的网卡是否支持2.5G和10G,还有2.5G和10G路由器的信号强弱,离终端之间是否有遮挡。我的红米K50手机去年产的,好像手机wifi网卡测试下来就不支持2.5G网络,只支持1Gbps千兆网,笔记本wifi网卡和以太网卡也好像都是千兆网卡,2.5G wifi和以太网卡很多手机和电脑都没有配备。
The market for 2.5GbE is enlarging and more and more 2.3GbE routers are producing and selling. Therefore, compared with 10GbE, the cost of 2.5GbE devices and deployment is relatively lower. One of the factors that accelerates the development of 2.5GbE is WiFi 6 which enables wireless connection to over 1GbE LAN. Recently, some new WiFi 6 solutions include 2.5GbE ports or even 10GbE ports. In addition, upgrading to 2.5GbE is worthy especially for small enterprises because of its availability and cost-efficiency. There is no need for rewiring and the current CAT5e can be used in your present Ethernet connection.
Nowadays, more and more devices are providing Multi-Gig/2.5G Ethernet ports. Below we take an example with V-SOL ONU V2902RH that provides a 2.5GbE port.

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