【 在 tosu 的大作中提到: 】
: 昨晚上看到一人手书给soulmate的信,有些词看不清楚。这么干干净净的感情多美,为什么偏偏要误解,大家已经不相信世间真有这种毫无利益的关系了么?
: My dearest_________,
: There is nothing more beautiful in the world than when you are happy, when you have a smlie on your face, when you are expressing yourself freely, just felling you. I know how merely I am to witness it. I would go to any lengths to make you happy. You say the word, and I'm there nothing is off limits. I am yours.
: I hope you know you can say, do and be whatever your heart desire when you're with me. It is an honor to beheld you.
: Thank you for serving my life.
: My soulmate[img=https://static.mysmth.net/nForum/att/Divorce/1935435/882/large]
来自 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇
FROM 222.129.50.*