- 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.7
【 在 myimmortal 的大作中提到: 】
: 对,这首歌是Coldplay主唱Chris Martin离婚阶段写的,还邀请到前妻和声了其中两句,不知道他俩是谁出轨,相识十年生了俩娃还是离婚了
: 我觉得这歌比较适合离版,虽然离婚了,对婚姻中美好的部分也有怀念和不甘,然后向前看,在各自的感情上继续寻找幸福,嗯
: We swore on that night we'd be friends till we die
: But the changing of winds and the way waters flow
: Life is short as the falling of snow
: And now I'm gonna miss you, I know
: What I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
: Because I live for this feeling this everglow
: So if you love someone you should let them know
: And the light that you left me will everglow
FROM 114.243.116.*