- 主题:WPF 大约的确挂了
In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
FROM 59.41.69.*
WinForm 反而老树发了点新芽
【 在 keygen 的大作中提到: 】
: In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
: 已经外包给印度开发中心
FROM 59.41.69.*
【 在 keygen 的大作中提到: 】
: In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
: 已经外包给印度开发中心
FROM 180.158.21.*
FROM 59.109.155.*
【 在 keygen (失落灵魂之囚) 的大作中提到: 】
: In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
: 已经外包给印度开发中心
FROM 114.246.100.*
难以转换到跨平台,大体上跟总部的跨平台宣传口吻不一致 。winui这一支好像也不怎么说了。
【 在 keygen (失落灵魂之囚) 的大作中提到: 】
: In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
: 已经外包给印度开发中心
FROM 112.14.76.*
【 在 atemis 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在开发客户端界面用啥呢
FROM 101.88.30.*
WPF之前是想全平台(电脑 手机)通吃,可没几年M¥手机OS就挂了
【 在 keygen 的大作中提到: 】
: In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. #WPFIsDead
: 已经外包给印度开发中心
FROM 114.253.35.*
【 在 atemis 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在开发客户端界面用啥呢
FROM 36.251.85.*
【 在 atemis 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在开发客户端界面用啥呢
FROM 27.115.85.*