- 主题:邯郸市初中生被杀案一审宣判
【 在 realcainiao 的大作中提到: 】
: 你真是个人才啊,你怎么到哪回帖都被骂。笑死了
: 能让人印象深刻可真不容易。
FROM 219.237.202.*
【 在 bocaj 的大作中提到: 】
: 当然,喷子职人以骂人为荣,我咋能和垃圾比啊,你最光荣了,哈哈……
: :
FROM 222.64.3.*
【 在 realcainiao 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一般不喷人,除非这个人非蠢即坏。
FROM 219.237.202.*
Stupid people, the US imperialists and the Jews are beasts, it does not mean that the United Nations is right.
【 在 bocaj 的大作中提到: 】
: 对,米蒂和它鱿鱼爹是灯塔。哈哈……
【 在 aosp 的大作中提到: 】
: You are the loser, an...
FROM 45.77.189.*
【 在 aosp 的大作中提到: 】
: Stupid people, the US imperialists and the Jews are beasts, it does not mean that the United Nations is right.
修改:bocaj FROM 219.237.202.*
FROM 219.237.202.*
【 在 xpang 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在无期一般实刑多少年?
FROM 116.133.84.*
The United Nations conventions are more of a reflection of Western will, and also include women's rights , religious freedom and animal welfare.
But the convention we signed is a United Nations convention, not an American one.
Chinese people should be clear-headed, not follow the Western baton, and should be wary of international organizations, especially the United Nations.
【 在 bocaj 的大作中提到: 】
: 那就去喷米蒂鱿鱼呗?都不是好东西,这俩执行的更到位,多少年不执行死刑了……
【 在 aosp 的大作中提到: 】
: S...
FROM 45.77.189.*
【 在 aosp 的大作中提到: 】
: The United Nations conventions are more of a reflection of Western will, and also include women's rights , religious freedom and animal welfare.
: But the convention we signed is a United Nations convention, not an American one.
: ...................
FROM 219.237.202.*
FROM 119.143.141.*
You are mentally ill and schizophrenic!
【 在 bocaj 的大作中提到: 】
: 不要造谣。除非给你把东西方的一切归于西方。这些也遭早于联合国成立。联合囯是东西方妥协的产物。比如动保,纳粹都比米蒂早……...
FROM 45.77.189.*