for the first time there is confirmation that the DCA, the man there to observe urine being provided, was NOT, as has been suggested in Chinese reports, was not a last-minute pick. The man had performed urine-observation duties for IDTM on other occasions with other athletes, Popa asserted.
【 在 yzgx1986 的大作中提到: 】
: 1-质疑飞行药检人员证件不全,主检有证,两名随从没证。问题是WADA到底是怎么规定的,是不是所有人员都必须有证,还是只要主检有证就行?如果规定是所有人员都必须有证,那么很明显WADA的检测流程有问题。
: 2-这也是最大的疑问,既然对方证件不全,孙杨为什么还配合别人采了样?按说孙杨已经做过80多次这样的飞行药检了,不会不熟悉流程吧?想想,是随便来个路人去孙杨家他都当场开门还配合你抽血撒尿给你采样?说明他起码在采样的时候应该是认同这个检测的。那么为什么突然提出证件不全还砸血样呢?
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