The most famous scenic spot in Hangzhou is the West Lake. The West Lake is an artificial lake, which is built according to the leisure garden style park loved by the Chinese people. For ten centuries, the West Lake has been regarded as a spiritual home by Chinese literati. Su Shi, a poet in the Song Dynasty, compared the West Lake to the most beautiful woman in ancient China. Ancient Chinese people praised the area around the West Lake as a magical and beautiful land. In modern times, the West Lake is regarded as the pride of Hangzhou and a good place to avoid the noise of the city.
【 在 qingfeier 的大作中提到: 】
: 说到机器翻译,我想起很多人都说到过的一个所谓笑话
: 美国有些收银员的数学挺差的,底层老美也是没必要学的都不学的啊,自己孩子不擅长啊,快乐教育啊
: 你买八刀半的东西,直接给收银员一张20刀的,回头找你21刀半,你不好意思收,找的比我给你的都多呀,资本主义羊毛不敢上来就薅啊,人家非说就是对的,最后告诉你机器就这么显示的,赶紧拿钱,滚。
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