Move over Russia and Iran: some of the world’s best caviar now comes from C hina.
MUNCHIES visits Qiandaohu, where a Chinese sturgeon farm has become one of t he world’s most important producers of this iconic, staggeringly expensive delicacy. Learn how caviar is made, harvested, processed and what makes it s o expensive.
More videos from the VICE network: 【 在 moccaipod (摩卡) 的大作中提到: 】 : 四川鱼子酱,山东和牛,贵州酸汤,乳山生蚝熬制的一壳蚝油...连酒单也有怀来、宿迁、吐鲁番各种选择 --- 感觉餐厅就是为了降低成本和餐价又强行上逼格的无奈之举。当然,其实绝大多数人根本吃不出味道差别来。 -- FROM 223.72.91.*