China consumes the world 70%~80% watermelons with 20% population. Can eating watermelon in summer be seen as a part of unique modern Chinese culture?
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Fillip Fog
· July 24, 2021
Icy cold watermelon straight from the fridge… on a hot day…nothing better.
It is an old Spanish family custom during beach daytrip to bury a whole watermelon in the wet sand, near the water's edge. This is to keep them as cool as possible before unburying them to slice at the required moment… On a busy day it would be a watermelon minefield, as kids would mark the spot where each family buried their own, with a colorful spade or piece of driftwood and watch as the tide would cover or uncover their buried prize. Sometimes, the spade or stick was moved by a wayward foot and we would be made to dig holes everywhere until the big green treasure was found with a cheer! Happy memories of childhood
M Wasif Khan
· July 23, 2021
As a watermelon lover, I want to take part in that competition ?. Watermelons are quite popular in the city I grew up in (Delhi, India) as well. In summers, they are everywhere.
评论区里有六七十个comments, 对于quora这种小网站的中国话题(关注的人很少),这已经算一个非常热门的讨论了。评论区里都是兴高采烈地分享不仅中国人爱吃瓜,我们那里也爱吃瓜,还有一些评论表示我们那里西瓜要是跟中国一样便宜的话我也要猛吃。
【 在 wyid 的大作中提到: 】
: 感觉欧洲人不太喜欢吃西瓜啊
: 发自「今日水木 on LYA-AL10」
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