Don't listen to all the review bombing. It's just salty people who want a f2p game or oceanic servers. Amazing game. Coming from a long time Apex Legends player. The mechanics and gameplay are extremely unique and entertaining. An extremely high skill cap means you will never get bored of this.
【 在 fallenleaf (慢慢变老,还是慢慢死去) 的大作中提到: 】
: 白天steam在线也就3、4w把,相比峰值10w也就是说至少有75%是国人,老外现在最大的
: 抱怨就是要不然就被炸鱼,要不然就是打bot,没啥正常体验。排位靠前的人排队时间又
: 太长了。
: ...................
FROM 183.6.159.*