- 主题:总统遇刺身亡,民众穷到吃土 (转载)
【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 海地是殖民地的时候,是法国最为富庶的殖民地。
: 在很长一段时间里,海地供应了欧洲40%的糖和60%的咖啡,占了法国外贸总额的三分之二,超过当时英国所有殖民地贸易的总和。
: 法国来自海地的总收入在很长时间内占到整个殖民地收入的50%以上。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*
【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 封锁指的是发生在1825年的那次吗?
: 海地的出口崩盘,完全是自己的种植园崩溃造成的啊,好像没见到有其他封锁的记录。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*
Following the removal of the French colonial administration, and the expulsion or departure of most white merchants, the economy and agricultural output of Haiti weaned, as Europeans were resistant to trade with former-slaves, and instead invested in the production of these goods in other regions of the Americas (for example, Cuba quickly emerged as the world's largest producer of sugar). In Haiti, clayed sugar output dropped by over 99 percent between 1798 and 1801, and muscovado sugar dropped from 94 million pounds in 1789, to 18.5 million in 1801, before dropping to just a few thousand pounds per year in the mid-1820s. Haiti managed to maintain a significant portion of its coffee exports, however annual quantities in the 1820s were usually less than half of the output in 1789.
【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 你看你引用的这段话,海地无奈只得同意赔款,所以最后还是没发生封锁。
: 海地出口崩了,和封锁半点关系都没有。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*
【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这文章里说海地种植业崩了的原因,一个是白人种植园主都死了或逃了,一个是白人商人都死了或逃了。
: 其实为白人干活的黑白混血人,也都被杀光了。
: 最后就剩下黑人了。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*

【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 出口锐减是海地自己把种植业搞崩了啊,白人、黑白混血死了或走了后,黑人没人认真搞种植,结果没了产量,没产品出口,这个怪谁?
: 这个又不是没销售市场,纯粹是自己没产品出口了。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*
【 在 darley 的大作中提到: 】
: 黑人不会治国难道不是社会常识?
: 【 在 randomh 的大作中提到: 】
: : 糖业出口锐减
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 223.104.184.*
From the 18th century, Saint-Domingue (Haiti) became very wealthy by exporting sugar, cotton, coffee, indigo, and cocoa. Regrettably, but this prosperity came at an affordable cost. Slaves were brought to work on those lands, suffering dreadful treatment from their colonial masters. In August of 1791, those slaves began a rebellion, which subsequently resulted in a war which ravaged the colony. This war raged on till 1794 when France finally made a decision to end slavery there.
Among the leaders within this slave rebellion was a man by the name of Toussaint L’Ouverture. When the war came to a close, Toussaint joined the French army, who were then fighting Spain contrary to their claim to the southern two-thirds of Hispaniola. In 1797, Toussaint was made commander of the French military, and from 1801 that he had been in charge of the whole island. Not merely did he announce all slaves free, but he made himself head of this new government and released a brand-new constitution.
Extremely angry with Toussaint’s action, the French employed a trick to arrest him, however, the fight was far from over. Another former slave, Jean-Jacques Dessalines continued the battle against the French, and on January 1, 1804, the island formally gained its own independence. It had been renamed Haiti, also is known as the second oldest independent state in the Western Hemisphere (after the United States). Now, Haiti celebrates its Independence Day on January 1st, complete with parades, fireworks, and dance in town.
【 在 faraway01 的大作中提到: 】
: 杜桑卢维度尔1791年没有参加黑奴反抗军,而是去参加了法国保王党军队。他是站在法国一边打英国入侵者起家的。
: 更多的没法回答你了。我试图回复你花了好长时间,怎么也发不出来,不知道敏感词出在哪里。
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone13,4」
FROM 117.143.101.*