- 主题:Re: 一帮狗日的不会搞经济,只会不断放水收割老百姓财富
That’s why we’ve put diplomacy back at the center of American foreign policy, to help us realize the future that Americans and people around the world seek – one where technology is used to lift people up, not suppress them; where trade and commerce support workers, raise incomes, create opportunity; where universal human rights are respected; countries are secure from coercion and aggression, and people, ideas, goods, and capital move freely; and where nations can both forge their own paths and work together effectively in common cause.
【 在 tsinghuaxy 的大作中提到: 】
: RT。
FROM 67.198.130.*
现在还有如此的精美 有意思
【 在 manam 的大作中提到: 】
: 就不是以人为本的社会,
: 贴一段之前Blinken的讲话
: That’s why we’ve put diplomacy back at the center of American foreign policy, to help us realize the future that Americans and people around the world seek – one where technology is used to lift people up, not suppress them; where trade and commerce support workers, raise incomes, create opportunity; where universal human rights are respected; countries are secure from coercion and aggression, and people, ideas, goods, and capital move freely; and where nations can both forge their own paths and work together effectively in common cause.
FROM 223.72.68.*
【 在 Lanzhu 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在还有如此的精美 有意思
FROM 67.198.130.*
要不你先对美国政府和主流媒体为了掩盖俄亥俄火车出轨造成大量剧毒物质泄漏的重大事故而硬生生炒作流浪气球十余天这样虚伪卑劣无耻的行径发表一下公允的看法?如果你知道公允二字是什么意思的话 hhhh
【 在 manam 的大作中提到: 】
: 你是不是不认得英文,这是精美?这里的每一个字,中国政府做的都是相反的,是不是值得深思
: :
FROM 223.72.68.*