'Iran had boycotted the Moscow Olympics in protest over the Soviet government's occupation of Afghanistan and it would do the same with the Olympics-84 games of Los Angeles in order to expose the criminal acts of the world-devouring U.S. government,' IRNA quoted Davoudi as saying.
“伊朗抵制莫斯科奥运会是为了抗议苏联政府对阿富汗的占领,它也将在洛杉矶举办 84 届奥运会,以揭露吞噬世界的美国政府的犯罪行为,”伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社援引达沃迪的话说。如说。
Jan. 22, 1984
【 在 danielzc 的大作中提到: 】
: 伊朗两次都抵制啊
FROM 114.248.62.*