deriba lake比长白山天池差远了。你看的百度吗?百度到的中文自媒体说的海拔其实是deriba山峰海拔,而不是湖面海拔,尺寸是火山口的大小,而不是湖的大小。deriba lake无论是海拔还是长宽都比长白山天池差远了
“Deriba contains two lakes, which are known as the "Deriba lakes". A 11.5-metre (38 ft) deep lake occupies the northeastern area of the caldera,[2] and being located in the lowest part of the caldera floor[14] it is the sink of Deriba.[11] In 1918 it had dimensions of 1,230 by 1,780 metres (1,350 yd × 1,950 yd), but by 1964 the size of the lake had increased.[15] The lake is surrounded by a gradually sloping muddy beach with the exception of the northern shore.[16] This lake is also known as the "female" lake, with green salty water.[8] The salt consists of chloride, potassium and sodium salts.[17]
The volcanic cone has a lake as well, which is 108 metres (354 ft) deep[2] and smaller, with a roughly rectangular shape that extends in north-south direction.[18] In comparison to the other lake 1.21 kilometres (0.75 mi) northwest, this "male" lake had dimensions of 820 by 1,420 metres (900 yd × 1,550 yd) in 1918. ”
还可以参考下面附件的内容,文字部分来自书籍《A History of the Arabs in the Sudan...》,地形示意图来自维基
deriba lake湖面海拔只有一千四百多米,大小也比长白山天池小多了,完全无法和长白山天池相比
【 在 freesoul 的大作中提到: 】
: 好吧,既更高也更大,搜deriba lake

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