Residents at high altitudes have adapted to life with less oxygen (hypoxia) thus enabling their bodies to be more suited for a longer life.
Dr. Zubieta-Calleja goes on to point out that living at high altitude can improve longevity in many other ways as well.
It alters the genetic make up populations, making them stronger and more suited to difficult living conditions
High altitude residents are less susceptible to many diseases that sea-level residents need to be concerned with as well. This is due to the lack of mosquitos and many other disease-carrying insects that are unable to survive at high altitude.
Increased exposure to sunshine increases the bodies Vitamin D levels providing us with benefits to our hearts and well as reducing our risk of some cancers.
High altitude also helps our hearts become stronger, thus working more effectively, while also increasing blood flow to our body and brains.
The decrease in oxygen level at high altitude helps our lungs work more effectively and increases our ventilation.
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