Nowadays there is an increasingly broad range of GNSS technologies applications. To meet user requirements it抯 necessary to keep on improving the GLONASS system as well as user navigation equipment. In the first place it applies for high precision GLONASS applications where real-time accuracy at a level of a decimeter and a centimeter is necessary. It also relates to applications dealing with safety and security by air, sea and ground transport operation. Greater operational efficiency of navigation solutions and GLONASS interference resistance are needed. There are a significant number of special and civil applications where the small size and high sensitivity of navigation receiving equipment is crucial.
【 在 lostwood 的大作中提到: 】
: Global Navigation Satellite System
: 俄罗斯缩写成GLONASS,咱们缩写成GNSS。
: 可这俩的词根全称就是一回事啊。
: ...................
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