Go 1.18 is released!
The Go Team
15 March 2022
Today the Go team is thrilled to release Go 1.18, which you can get by visit
ing the download page.
Go 1.18 is a massive release that includes new features, performance improve
ments, and our biggest change ever to the language. It isn’t a stretch to s
ay that the design for parts of Go 1.18 started over a decade ago when we fi
rst released Go.
In Go 1.18, we’re introducing new support for generic code using parameteri
zed types. Supporting generics has been Go’s most often requested feature,
and we’re proud to deliver the generic support that the majority of users n
eed today. Subsequent releases will provide additional support for some of t
he more complicated generic use cases. We encourage you to get to know this
new feature using our generics tutorial, and to explore the best ways to use
generics to optimize and simplify your code today. The release notes have m
ore details about using generics in Go 1.18.
With Go 1.18, Go is the first major language with fuzzing fully integrated i
nto its standard toolchain. Like generics, fuzzing has been in design for a
long time, and we’re delighted to share it with the Go ecosystem with this
release. Please check out our fuzzing tutorial to help you get started with
this new feature.
Go modules have been almost universally adopted, and Go users have reported
very high satisfaction scores in our annual surveys. In our 2021 user survey
, the most common challenge users identified with modules was working across
multiple modules. In Go 1.18, we’ve addressed this with a new Go workspace
mode, which makes it simple to work with multiple modules.
20% Performance Improvements
Apple M1, ARM64, and PowerPC64 users rejoice! Go 1.18 includes CPU performan
ce improvements of up to 20% due to the expansion of Go 1.17’s register ABI
calling convention to these architectures. Just to underscore how big this
release is, a 20% performance improvement is the fourth most important headl
For a more detailed description of everything that’s in 1.18, please consul
t the release notes.
Go 1.18 is a huge milestone for the entire Go community. We want to thank ev
ery Go user who filed a bug, sent in a change, wrote a tutorial, or helped i
n any way to make Go 1.18 a reality. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank y
Enjoy Go 1.18!
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