【 在 meitu1982 的大作中提到: 】
: 特斯拉这次的刹车失灵事件太火了,由于我点的相关新闻有点多,导致头条和B站相关消息推送了太多,各方的论据都看到了。总结一下看到印象深刻的信息,这些信息有的是证据确凿,有的是专业人士通过数据计算出的结论令我信服。
: 1、钢铁直男张富贵是我看到最硬核的分析,这位东北大哥是汽车制动工程师,根据特斯拉公布的少量数据,计算出了路面的摩擦系数0.6,这个数字符合国标规定的道路摩擦系数,属于路况正常情况。解决了一个基本条件:道路是正常的,没有什么沙子积水之类的影响。
: 另外也解决了常见的一个争论点:刹车没有热衰减,而且就算有也不影响计算结果。
: ...................
1. 这哥们最后也说自己也很糊涂,算不清楚。 这哥们的观点是缸内压力已经很大应该车轮抱死但abs没有一直在工作,所以他推测有个正向扭矩比如电机在工作。可后面有人提出来了说abs一直在工作,他的推测就没意义了。
3. 这个测试很有意义,需要更多的细节,我相信此地无银正在做。等着。
4. 这个文章是关于突然加速的,跟这次事件没关系。原文是这个吧?
https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/inv/2020/INCLA-DP20001-6158.PDF 第16页。
说这个理论基于不准确的数据和数个假设。比如这个理论里有说为什么好多人说踩下了刹车车却在加速, 道路安全局早就统计特斯拉的事故里 90%的突然加速事件源于误踩油门,10%源于刹车太晚。
“ The theory is based upon inaccurate event data
and several false assumptions regarding component defects, vehicle dynamics, and motor control
system design and operation. For example, ODI notes the following factual errors and mistaken
assumptions contained the subject paper:
o The vehicle acceleration data used by Dr. Belt in his analysis was reported with the
polarity reversed. In other words, the data shows the vehicle decelerating when it was
accelerating and accelerating when it was decelerating. As shown in Figure 1, the vehicle first
accelerates in response to a large accelerator pedal application, then decelerates in response to
the late brake application that triggered ABS braking just prior to impact.14
o The evidence shows that the brake light switch functioned as designed in the event
analyzed by Dr. Belt (see Figure 1).
o The ESC and Traction Control systems cannot request positive torque in the subject
o The APPS data recorded in the EDR report and data log show the physical position of the
accelerator pedal (see section 3.5 System Safeguards). There is no other source for the
accelerator pedal data.
o The vehicle does not veer to the left at any point during the crash event (see Figure 1 and
section 3.3.4 ODI Analysis of Event Video File).”
FROM 209.131.57.*