1. XMotors’s motion to quash is granted in part and denied in part. XMotors must produce the requested source code and source code logs, and these topics may be discussed in the 30(b)(6) deposition. This information is relevant to Tesla’s claim that Cao disclosed Tesla’s trade secrets to XMotors. Of course, this information is subject to the protective order in this case. Tesla and XMotors are instructed to meet and confer regarding whether a neutral thirdparty should examine the source code in the first instance. XMotors must also produce the requested forensic images, but it does not need to provide images of the computers of persons not employed by XMotors. Tesla has not demonstrated that XMotors has legal control over those computers. See In re Citric Acid Litigation, 191 F.3d 1090, 1107 (9th Cir. 1999).
【 在 yehorse 的大作中提到: 】 : 谁主张谁举证,我不同意比对代码,谁都别想强制比对,法院也无权强制,控方要自己找证据,而不是让辩方无条件配合,这基本上就不可能,除非出了一样的bug是一个比较明显的证据。 -- FROM 183.240.8.*