Managing partner Steve Berman led settlement negotiations with Toyota, achieving a settlement that is astonishing both because of its value as well as its breadth. The settlement will provide for the installation of brake-override systems in vehicles, $250 million for owners of vehicles that are not eligible for the systems, another $250 million for Toyota owners who sold their vehicles, and a customer care plan for all 16 million current owners that will warranty parts allegedly related to SUA for between three and 10 years.
安装brake-override systems,这说明还是有漏洞吧
【 在 District9 的大作中提到: 】
: 丰田车自动加速,也是老司机,还是警察,就是刹不住,最后全车报销。
: 家属告丰田,丰田说车没有问题,家属请来nasa检查丰田源代码,NASA查了半天也说没有证据表明是代码的问题。
: 家属不甘心,又找了个嵌入系统专家,专家找出丰田代码里大量不规范的地方和不少bug,以此作为证据呈现给法庭,陪审团判定是丰田的错,丰田不承认,但认罚,陪了12亿美元。
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