【 在 gjq 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果你懂英文的话,读读这篇4s店黑人小二写的劝黑人和墨西哥人不要买豪车的文章
: Dear Black and Latino People, stop buying cars you can't afford. You are specifically being targeted for your reckless buying habits.
: I'm a black man, and I worked at a car dealership for about a year. It was a very small dealership with only a few employees. The owners were Indian and the couple of sales guys were black and Latinio The owners of these dealerships, they SPECIFICALLY open up in black and latino dominated communities because they know that black people hear that all you have to do is pay small monthly payments and you can get a newer car. They even hire black people to rap radio jingles about it on local radio stations. We buy things that we shouldn't because of this obsession with luxury items and they know that and prey on us. I specifically overheard the owner's son say to a friend when it was suggested they open up in a white dominated city, "You can't make money off of white or Asian people, they are too smart". THEY ARE MAKING SOO MUCH MONEY OFF OF YOUR INTEREST PAYMENTS BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO POOR TO BARELY PUT A DOWN PAYMENT.
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FROM 121.69.200.*