After reviewing the available data, ODI has not identified evidence that would support opening a defect investigation
into SUA in the subject vehicles. In every instance in which event data was available for review by ODI, the evidence
shows that SUA crashes in the complaints cited by the petitioner have been caused by pedal misapplication. There is
no evidence of any fault in the accelerator pedal assemblies, motor control systems, or brake systems that has
contributed to any of the cited incidents. There is no evidence of a design factor contributing to increased likelihood of
pedal misapplication. The theory provided of a potential electronic cause of SUA in the subject vehicles is based upon
inaccurate assumptions about system design and log data.
【 在 GeneralMilk 的大作中提到: 】
: 你是不懂英文吗?为什么“没有证据证明特斯拉有问题”?因为“每次都是人踩错”,这是写在官方结论里的。
FROM 218.247.161.*