隔几年就要换的东西,我干嘛要花那么多时间去调查?我又不是警察。你买个手机会把手机厂网站上的字都读一遍吗?特斯拉把一个半成品都算不上的玩意儿拿出来卖,舔着脸叫Full Self-Driving,宣传的时候这也行那也行,把各种前置条件全部藏到卸责的fineprint里面,消费者没读就活该被撞死?如果只有读了那些玩意儿才能保命,特斯拉作为一个对消费者生命负责任的企业,应该在销售FSD的之前强制要求消费者把FSD生存手册默写出来,否则不许买。平时给车主打分的时候,也应该随机要求背诵这个手册,否则禁用。
【 在 GeneralMilk 的大作中提到: 】
: 这就跟正常人买刀切菜爽的不亦乐乎,你上来一刀砍掉自己手指头,然后开始大骂刀是垃圾。尤其是你自己花1万刀不知道自己买的是个什么东西,买之前自己不调查吗?真以为自己买的是自动驾驶了?不是识字吗?看看traffic light and stop sign 这部分的说明书:
: Warning
: NEVER make assumptions and predict when and where Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control will stop or continue through an intersection or road marking. From a driver's perspective, the behavior of Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control may appear inconsistent. Always pay attention to the roadway and be prepared to take immediate action. It is the driver's responsibility to determine whether to stop or continue through an intersection. Never depend on Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control to determine when it is safe and/or appropriate to stop or continue through an intersection
: ...................
FROM 136.52.35.*