Tesla Fire
Tesla Fire tracks all Tesla fires - including cars and other products, e.g. Tesla MegaPacks - that are reported by news articles or verified primary sources. We also tally the number of fatalities involved with Tesla fires and provide links to additional photos or footage wherever possible. If you have a tip about a Tesla fire, or about Tesla in general, or are looking to contact us for some other reason, please use the form here.
Special thanks to teslaq from the world for their submitted data.
Total Tesla Fires as of 2024/5/15: 232 confirmed cases | Fatalities Involving a Tesla Car Fire Count: 83
Latest update: Feb. 17, 2023 Updated with latest Tesla fires.
【 在 yuandao888 的大作中提到: 】
: 我不用脑补,我用的是事实说话,事实就是人家高配用三元锂了。
FROM 218.247.161.*