The problem that led to an explosion at a hydrogen filling station on 10 June near Oslo was an incorrectly mounted plug in a hydrogen tank in a high-pressure storage tank. Manufacturer Nel made the inquiry public and is establishing precautions.
As a result of the incident in Norway, the operator H2 Mobility also took four hydrogen filling stations in Germany off the grid in which Nel components were installed. Now that the problem has been identified, H2 Mobility is testing the hydrogen tanks at these filling stations according to the new procedures. After the acceptance test, the timing of which is not yet foreseeable, the hydrogen filling stations are to be connected to the grid again.
【 在 wydfz 的大作中提到: 】
: 2019年6月10日,挪威首都奥斯陆Sandvika地铁站附近的KJ?RBO加氢站发生着火爆炸,导致附近一辆非燃料电池车的安全气囊被激发,造成两名乘客震伤。
: 这是继2019年5月韩国江原道氢燃料储存罐爆炸、2019年6月初美国加州圣塔克拉拉储氢罐泄露爆炸之后,两个月之内发生的第三起加氢站和燃料电池领域的爆炸事故。
: 事故发生后,加氢站系统提供方Nel ASA公司已经暂时关闭了在挪威的所有加氢站和德国的四座加氢站,在挪威有燃料电池销售的丰田和现代也暂停了燃料电池车在挪威的销售(目前已在挪威售出160台,其中102台接入了Nel ASA 和Uno-X 的加氢站。)
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