First of all I’m not [a hater of it]. For the SpaceX Dragon, we actually developed built our own LiDAR for the space station. So obviously if I hated LiDAR I wouldn’t have done that. I don’t like have some sort of like.. antagonism toward LiDAR. However for driving on real world roads you have to solve vision, understanding objects.
【 在 yehorse (leo1024) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是,马斯克不是这么说的。
: 马斯克说「我们用激光雷达,在适合他的场合,我们的SpaceX就用了激光雷达,我们从不排斥激光雷达,特斯拉不用激光雷达是因为激光雷达不稳定,经常误报,算法对误报容忍度高的话又会导致漏报」
: 不是原话,原话记不清了,但基本是这个意思。
: ...................