Yiran and Keating Sherry welcomed their second child, Maeve Lily, on September 9, 2021. They almost named her Tess, after staff at the Paoli Hospital in Pennsylvania kept referring to her as “the Tesla baby.”She was born in the footwell of the front passenger seat, with her dad keeping only his left hand on the wheel while the car drove itself to the emergency room.
1. 妈妈在副驾
2. 爸爸在主架单手握方向盘
【 在 xtfj 的大作中提到: 】
: 日前,来自美国费城的一对夫妇分享了他们的“二胎”降生的故事:当时,夫妇二人在送3岁的大儿子去上学的路上,妈妈突然感到孩子要出生,丈夫把大儿子放到副驾,输入医院地址并启用Autopilot中最高阶的FSD自动驾驶,随后他来到后排照顾破了羊水的妻子。大约不到20分钟,特斯拉开到了医院,在医护人员的帮助下最终母女平安。
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